Neutron Knights (formally Extreme Science)
brings science to life with hands on activities and programs for all grades  

We partner with teachers in each grade level to support hands-on learning and exploration of key science concepts.  Activities range from experiments in the science lab to external presentations, all geared to
support the learning students are doing in the classroom.  Each grade level has a parent coordinator who works with teachers to support the lessons, whether it be through acquiring additional PTA funded supplies or volunteers to help with hands-on activities. For many of our students, the highlight of hands-on science is the
dissection program run for grades 3-5 (ie Extreme Science). Sign up to participate in this highly anticipated activity will open in the spring and we hope you will consider participating as a volunteer.  It’s a great way to be with your child and be a part of his/her education.




Thursday, March 6 - Weathering, Erosion and Deposition
We will discuss weathering, erosion and deposition and will have a hands on lesson on Chemical weathering where the students will use vinegar, sugar and cookie crumbs to demonstrate the basic process of the formation of limestone caves.


We would like the volunteers to show up 10 minutes before the lesson time for a short introduction.


Friday, May 16 - Frog Dissection

Students will learn about the frog anatomy and dissect the frog and identify different organs and body parts. We would like the volunteers to show up 10 minutes before the lesson time for a short introduction.


We would like the volunteers to show up 10 minutes before the lesson time for a short introduction.



3rd grade (earthworms, May 2nd): signup coming
5th grade (sharks, May 16th): signup coming


questions or want to get involved?

Reach out to VP, Educational Programs Stephanie Balash at

Upcoming Events