Submit NHE PTA Communications Content
NHE PTA has a wonderful team that supports PTA Communications, including the PTA Newsletter, PTA Website, and PTA Social Media Channels. If you need to share PTA information about an upcoming event please submit the request to your VP or the appropriate member of the NHE PTA Executive Board. Please be as detailed as possible with your request, examples of 'what to include' are listed below.
If you are unsure of who to contact or if you would like to share any feedback on communications please reach out to or
Information to provide within the request:
Event/ Topic Name
Event Dates, Time and Location
Indicate if this a recurring event – IE Monthly Teacher Luncheons or Spirit Nights
If it is recurring, will you provide a calendar for the entire year or will you submit updates monthly?
Indicate if you need a graphic created. This includes graphics for the website, social media, and newsletter. If you have your own graphic or want to create your own, please note this.
Any URLs required for the website, newsletter, and/or social media post. IE sign-up genius, school supply orders, registration links.
Contact information for the event and for questions.
Cost – if this is a request for something we collect payment on such as Spirit Gear, Teacher Donations,
Sponsorships you MUST send me the request 6-8 weeks in advance.
Website updates: if your event/topic requires a new website page or major modifications please indicate this in
your request and the Communications Chairs may reach out to you directly more information.
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 19
- Friday, April 4
- Wednesday, April 16