2025 nhe SCHOOL BELL AWARD nominee - Jeanne Breidenthal!

Congratulations to Jeanne Breidenthal this year’s NHE School Bell Award Nominee! The School Bell Award recognizes outstanding SBISD staff members who promote the purposes of the PTA and advocates for all children. She will be recognized at Founders Day at NHE.



Past Nominees from NHE include:

2015-2016 - Mr. Jose Villatoro

2016-2017 - Mrs. Stacey Zubair

2017-2018 - Ms. Kelly Borally

2018-2019 - Ms. Lindsay Ripley

2019-2020 - Mrs. Julie Campbell

2020-2021 - Mrs. Molly Murphy

2021-2022 - Ms. Sandia Bailey

2022-2023 - Ms. Sarah Dale

2023-2024 - Coach Cat Janda


Nominate aN sbisd staff member

The School Bell Award is an SBISD-wide award which recognizes an outstanding SBISD staff member who promotes the Purposes of the PTA and advocates for all children.


We are so fortunate to have so many dedicated teachers and staff members at Nottingham! Here is a way to recognize someone who goes above and beyond. We are asking for your help identifying a deserving NHE teacher or staff member to nominate for this prestigious award.


Nominees should exemplify the PTA's mission to make every child's potential a reality through their support of PTA programs, parent education, family engagement and advocacy efforts, as well as to foster a positive learning environment.

Award Criteria

Must be a teacher or staff member at Nottingham and all nominees must be PTA members.


All nominees are recognized at the Founder’s Day Banquet in February 2024 and the winner will be known as the “School Bell Award Winner,” and will received a brass bell.


Contact President@nottinghampta.org


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