Nottingham Elementary 2024-2025 Guidelines
The mission of Nottingham Elementary PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
*September 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM (Open House)
October 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM
November 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM
December 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM
January 15, 2025 at 6:00 PM
February 19, 2025 at 6:00 PM
March 19, 2025 at 6:00 PM
April 16, 2025 at 6:00 PM
**May 2025 TBD
Please note, dates and times are tentative and could change due to unforeseen circumstances. Notice will be given to all PTA members.
As chair of a committee, please recruit volunteers as needed. The Back-to-School breakfast, monthly Grade level luncheons, and Extreme Science provide opportunities to find volunteers. We will use Sign Up Genius again this year and parents will be able to sign up via computer at these events if they have not done so already. The PTA President is an ex-officio member of every committee and should be invited to attend meetings and be kept apprised of committee plans and progress.
The PTA mailbox is in the front office work room where PTA mail and other communications are distributed. Please label a basket for your committee anytime that you expect to receive forms, information, or payment. The black lock box is used to leave deposits and check requests. It is in the front office in the copy room underneath the cabinet.
To submit content for the NHE PTA Weekly newsletter, social media, and website, please coordinate with your PTA VP to complete and submit the Communication Request form. If you are unsure who to contact please e-mail the Communications Team at Communications@nottinghampta.
Information to include when submitting your content request to your VP:
- Title, date, time, location information
- Detailed overview for website
- Short blurb for newsletter and Facebook posts (if you would like to schedule multiple posts, please include those as well)
- Any images or necessary downloads
- Chair, board, committee
- Sponsorship and logos
PTA newsletters are e-mailed on Monday. Content to be included in the weekly newsletter must be received by the previous Wednesday. Requests submitted after the deadline will go in the following week's release.
All check requests must be made by completing a check request/reimbursement form located in the Treasurer’s box located in the front office work room or on the PTA website. Place the invoice, receipts and supporting paperwork inside the envelope and return it to Treasurer – Jasmine Avants. Please do not seal the envelope. The check will either be mailed directly to the vendor, or if the check is a reimbursement made payable to you, it can be found in the Treasurer’s box or committee chair’s box. Please email the Treasurer, Jasmine Avants, at with any questions. Please use the Nottingham PTA sales tax exemption form found on the PTA website when purchasing taxable items. We cannot reimburse you for sales tax.
Deposit forms can be found in either the PTA box in the NHE front office workroom or on the PTA website. Please complete and sign the form and place it in the black lock box in the workroom. Please do not hold checks or cash for more than 1 day. Contact the Treasurer to alert her of large deposits left in the lockbox box or if you have a large cash deposit that may need delivery directly to her. All committee chairs are responsible for making sure their committee does not spend over the approved budget amount. If you see that you are going to spend over the amount allocated, you must advise the Treasurer and President for Executive Board approval. The PTA will NOT pay expenses over the budgeted amounts unless they have been approved in advance.
Please remember that all unused funds in a budget will be immersed back into the general fund and can be used for other items. In other words, please spend your budgeted money wisely and resist spending it on unnecessary items just because there is money remaining in your budget.
If you plan to ask businesses or NHE families to donate money or services, you must first contact the VP-Small Fundraising, Christina Dugan. She will advise you of our underwriting/donation guidelines and inform you of any previous solicitations as well as the appropriate recognition levels. Effective July 2014, Texas PTA will allow PTAs to purchase gift cards, but must meet the following requirements: 1) any gift cards purchased shall NOT exceed $25, 2) gift cards must be retail specific, i.e. branded cards of restaurants, stores, etc., 3) generic cards (Mastercard, Visa, etc.) are NOT permitted.
Thank you for all that you do to make NHE a GREAT school!
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 19
- Friday, April 4
- Wednesday, April 16